Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Yesterday, I was told that due to company's situation, I was let go. My first reaction was: Great!, praise Lord. It was an answer to the prayer. I am very relieved that the decision was finally made, and I am leaving this company. Even though I praise Lord, I know in the deep part of my heart, I harbored some discontentment about this job prior to hearing this. I was selfish, discontent, unplesant and ungrateful when I was working for this company. I was fearful of men, not loving the Lord as I should, and being useless for the Lord. So when I was told I was let go, even though I was happy, I fear that I disappointed the Lord in many instances for the last six months. Lord is gracious and He provides abundantly. Thank you, Lord!

Today while reading 1 Peter 1:6-7: " for those you greatly rejoice, even though for now, if necessary, you have been distressed for various trials. These have come so that your faith, more precious than gold, which is perishable, refined by fire, may be proved genuine and result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

What a great passage. I want to have a faith like that, precious than gold and be able to pass through fire to make it purer. I know in upcoming days there will be trials, and I am excited to see what God will bring to Cristen's and my life and how He provides. I just pray that I will not overly confident in my so called ability (which is nothing), but relying on Him and His guidance. Otherwise, I know I will disappoint myself if I rely on myself.

Poor Cristen. I love her, and I am so sorry that she has to go through this with me. But I know she is strong in the Lord and I am confident that she will be a great comforter to me. I am blessed with her.

Make me joyful, thankful and satisfied, Lord. Amen.

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