Friday, November 13, 2009

11-13-09 Philippians 1 & 2

Six points impacted me:
1. Paul's passions to be a servant of God and Christ. He is not afraid of death. As a matter of fact, death itself does not even affect his decisions and his work. Either way, he accepted God's will and plan for him.
2. 2:3 - Do nothing from RIVALRY or conceit, but in HUMILITY count others more significant than yourselves. Exam my own heart, where is rivalry (thinking I need to accomplish certain things to be in par with my peers) and humility (I regard others more significant than me due to fear of men, fake humility and pride). More significant than yourselves - others forward, me step backward.
3. Paul is such a great writer. Those writings got be Spirit's work -- they are so consist with other three books (Ephesians, Galatians, and Colossians).
4. Timothy and Epaphroditus - Praiseworthy laborers for the Lord.
5. 1:6- He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ - God completes the work all the way until your perfection (your death or Lord's coming). There are a lot of work and they are continuous.
6. 1:27 - "... striving side by side for the faith of the gospel" - side by side, great picture of racing and striving forward.

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